Fox Plays Nostalgia Card with New Dark Phoenix Marketing

With the X-Men films as we know them coming to an end (thanks Disney), Dark Phoenix marks the end of an era for the Fox/Marvel films. As the film nears its June release, Fox have begun to ramp up their marketing efforts, with nostalgia being a key factor in their new
promotional materials. Fox had declared today, May 13th, X-Men Day. So happy X-Men Day!? I’m not celebrating personally, although Fox used the fictional day to release some marketing materials for Dark Phoenix, focusing on the previous instalments of the franchise, and journey viewers have gone one with the franchise.

The first clip released by Fox titled “Dark Phoenix: The X-Men Legacy” looks back at the history of the X-Men films and the legacy they leave behind, with input from the films actors, directors, and producers. The first X-Men (2000) film is lauded by many as transforming the comic-book movie genre, showing film makers and audiences that comic-book films can be fun yet serious too.

Another video was also released, this time featuring Marvel Icons Chris Claremont and Louise Simonson, with the duo providing a commentary of the original Dark Phoenix comic run and story.

Lastly, a final video was released, this time a trailer for Dark Phoenix which puts the film in context with the previous X-Men films. The trailer is a mix of footage from the film, and also scenes from previous X-Men films featuring the whole array of characters from Storm all the way to Professor X (Stewart and McAvoy).

Nostalgia can be really affective when it comes to marketing, and be used in a broad range of ways. The marketing for Avengers: Endgame made great use of nostalgia and call backs, with the official trailer comprising of a whole minute of scenes from previous MCU films. Jurassic World also did a good job, using the film’s iconic theme and other elements from Jurassic Park on its way to $1.6bn worldwide. Disney have also done a fantastic job using nostalgia to sell its live-action remakes (be sure to see them using it in abundance for Aladdin and The Lion King). As more and more blockbusters are based of pre-existing IP, distributors will continue to use nostalgia within their marketing campaigns.

Dark Phoenix releases in the UK on 07/06/19


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